
Dnevni / Mesecni izvestaji sa stanice

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Daily Report for the month of March 2025

Mar 10 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 1.5C
Average humidity 79%
Average dewpoint -1.8C
Average barometer 1034.5 mb
Average windspeed 0.3 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.8 m/s
Average direction 126 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 0.0 mm
Rainfall for year 24.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 10 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 9.0C on day 10 at time 23:32
Minimum temperature -0.3C on day 10 at time 05:49
Maximum humidity 90% on day 10 at time 06:19
Minimum humidity 63% on day 10 at time 21:07
Maximum pressure 1039.3 mb on day 10 at time 12:29
Minimum pressure 1011.2 mb on day 10 at time 23:30
Maximum windspeed 1.0 m/s on day 10 at time 23:12
Maximum gust speed 3.1 m/s from 103(ESE) on day 10 at time 16:34
Maximum heat index 9.0C on day 10 at time 23:32

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Mar 11 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 8.5C
Average humidity 77%
Average dewpoint 4.1C
Average barometer 1018.3 mb
Average windspeed 0.4 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.9 m/s
Average direction 145 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 4.3 mm
Rainfall for year 29.2 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on day 11 at time 15:50
Maximum temperature 22.5C on day 11 at time 13:56
Minimum temperature -0.3C on day 11 at time 05:49
Maximum humidity 96% on day 11 at time 02:35
Minimum humidity 37% on day 11 at time 12:45
Maximum pressure 1039.3 mb on day 11 at time 12:29
Minimum pressure 1004.8 mb on day 11 at time 13:31
Maximum windspeed 4.1 m/s on day 11 at time 14:15
Maximum gust speed 8.7 m/s from 141( SE) on day 11 at time 13:28
Maximum heat index 25.3C on day 11 at time 15:14

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Mar 12 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 15.4C
Average humidity 74%
Average dewpoint 10.4C
Average barometer 1005.7 mb
Average windspeed 0.6 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.2 m/s
Average direction 143 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 6.6 mm
Rainfall for year 31.5 mm
Maximum rain per minute 4.3 mm on day 12 at time 00:02
Maximum temperature 21.5C on day 12 at time 14:08
Minimum temperature 8.0C on day 12 at time 00:01
Maximum humidity 98% on day 12 at time 08:50
Minimum humidity 50% on day 12 at time 14:25
Maximum pressure 1008.1 mb on day 12 at time 00:06
Minimum pressure 1002.0 mb on day 12 at time 23:58
Maximum windspeed 3.1 m/s on day 12 at time 21:54
Maximum gust speed 4.1 m/s from 133( SE) on day 12 at time 21:56
Maximum heat index 25.1C on day 12 at time 16:54

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Mar 13 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 17.7C
Average humidity 56%
Average dewpoint 8.4C
Average barometer 1002.2 mb
Average windspeed 1.0 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.9 m/s
Average direction 188 ( S )
Rainfall for month 6.6 mm
Rainfall for year 31.5 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 13 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 23.8C on day 13 at time 15:09
Minimum temperature 8.4C on day 13 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity 80% on day 13 at time 07:21
Minimum humidity 36% on day 13 at time 15:39
Maximum pressure 1008.4 mb on day 13 at time 23:46
Minimum pressure 999.7 mb on day 13 at time 05:54
Maximum windspeed 4.1 m/s on day 13 at time 18:44
Maximum gust speed 6.7 m/s from 139( SE) on day 13 at time 09:28
Maximum heat index 25.2C on day 13 at time 11:49

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Mar 14 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 16.1C
Average humidity 55%
Average dewpoint 5.8C
Average barometer 1008.6 mb
Average windspeed 0.7 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.4 m/s
Average direction 164 (SSE)
Rainfall for month 6.6 mm
Rainfall for year 31.5 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 14 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 25.0C on day 14 at time 13:13
Minimum temperature 6.0C on day 14 at time 04:47
Maximum humidity 87% on day 14 at time 06:53
Minimum humidity 32% on day 14 at time 16:06
Maximum pressure 1009.8 mb on day 14 at time 09:03
Minimum pressure 1007.2 mb on day 14 at time 12:38
Maximum windspeed 4.6 m/s on day 14 at time 14:22
Maximum gust speed 6.2 m/s from 299(WNW) on day 14 at time 14:23
Maximum heat index 25.4C on day 14 at time 13:13

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Mar 15 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 19.5C
Average humidity 53%
Average dewpoint 8.2C
Average barometer 1009.0 mb
Average windspeed 0.9 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.8 m/s
Average direction 146 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 7.4 mm
Rainfall for year 32.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on day 15 at time 21:26
Maximum temperature 29.3C on day 15 at time 13:40
Minimum temperature 11.7C on day 15 at time 23:49
Maximum humidity 97% on day 15 at time 23:59
Minimum humidity 23% on day 15 at time 14:26
Maximum pressure 1012.9 mb on day 15 at time 20:56
Minimum pressure 1006.1 mb on day 15 at time 16:00
Maximum windspeed 4.1 m/s on day 15 at time 16:24
Maximum gust speed 9.3 m/s from 023(NNE) on day 15 at time 16:25
Maximum heat index 27.8C on day 15 at time 13:40

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Mar 16 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 13.0C
Average humidity 85%
Average dewpoint 10.3C
Average barometer 1010.9 mb
Average windspeed 0.4 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.9 m/s
Average direction 119 (ESE)
Rainfall for month 10.7 mm
Rainfall for year 35.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.5 mm on day 16 at time 06:49
Maximum temperature 20.9C on day 16 at time 12:35
Minimum temperature 7.9C on day 16 at time 23:52
Maximum humidity 98% on day 16 at time 06:26
Minimum humidity 56% on day 16 at time 12:04
Maximum pressure 1014.6 mb on day 16 at time 22:01
Minimum pressure 1007.9 mb on day 16 at time 04:04
Maximum windspeed 3.1 m/s on day 16 at time 15:04
Maximum gust speed 5.1 m/s from 330(NNW) on day 16 at time 14:20
Maximum heat index 24.7C on day 16 at time 12:04

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Mar 17 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 6.4C
Average humidity 88%
Average dewpoint 4.5C
Average barometer 1014.6 mb
Average windspeed 0.4 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.9 m/s
Average direction 111 (ESE)
Rainfall for month 17.8 mm
Rainfall for year 42.7 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on day 17 at time 16:25
Maximum temperature 9.2C on day 17 at time 11:46
Minimum temperature 2.9C on day 17 at time 23:57
Maximum humidity 97% on day 17 at time 06:54
Minimum humidity 65% on day 17 at time 13:35
Maximum pressure 1019.3 mb on day 17 at time 22:47
Minimum pressure 1011.6 mb on day 17 at time 05:47
Maximum windspeed 3.6 m/s on day 17 at time 14:08
Maximum gust speed 6.7 m/s from 094( E ) on day 17 at time 15:07
Maximum heat index 9.2C on day 17 at time 11:46

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Mar 18 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 0.6C
Average humidity 74%
Average dewpoint -3.7C
Average barometer 1027.2 mb
Average windspeed 0.6 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.3 m/s
Average direction 73 (ENE)
Rainfall for month 17.8 mm
Rainfall for year 42.7 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 18 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 3.5C on day 18 at time 12:12
Minimum temperature -1.8C on day 18 at time 06:59
Maximum humidity 92% on day 18 at time 23:59
Minimum humidity 47% on day 18 at time 12:23
Maximum pressure 1032.2 mb on day 18 at time 23:37
Minimum pressure 1019.0 mb on day 18 at time 00:04
Maximum windspeed 3.6 m/s on day 18 at time 09:38
Maximum gust speed 5.1 m/s from 104(ESE) on day 18 at time 02:07
Maximum heat index 3.5C on day 18 at time 12:12

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Mar 19 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 1.4C
Average humidity 68%
Average dewpoint -5.0C
Average barometer 1032.6 mb
Average windspeed 0.2 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.6 m/s
Average direction 124 (ESE)
Rainfall for month 18.0 mm
Rainfall for year 42.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on day 19 at time 08:50
Maximum temperature 11.3C on day 19 at time 15:35
Minimum temperature -7.0C on day 19 at time 06:02
Maximum humidity 95% on day 19 at time 02:16
Minimum humidity 30% on day 19 at time 15:31
Maximum pressure 1034.5 mb on day 19 at time 09:51
Minimum pressure 1030.8 mb on day 19 at time 17:56
Maximum windspeed 2.1 m/s on day 19 at time 13:11
Maximum gust speed 3.1 m/s from 022(NNE) on day 19 at time 12:27
Maximum heat index 11.3C on day 19 at time 15:35

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Mar 20 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 3.4C
Average humidity 60%
Average dewpoint -5.7C
Average barometer 1030.1 mb
Average windspeed 0.3 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.7 m/s
Average direction 132 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 18.0 mm
Rainfall for year 42.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 20 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 18.1C on day 20 at time 15:35
Minimum temperature -7.6C on day 20 at time 05:48
Maximum humidity 92% on day 20 at time 05:31
Minimum humidity 16% on day 20 at time 15:46
Maximum pressure 1032.8 mb on day 20 at time 00:53
Minimum pressure 1027.4 mb on day 20 at time 18:58
Maximum windspeed 2.1 m/s on day 20 at time 14:50
Maximum gust speed 3.1 m/s from 309( NW) on day 20 at time 13:02
Maximum heat index 18.1C on day 20 at time 15:35

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Mar 21 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 6.7C
Average humidity 56%
Average dewpoint -3.9C
Average barometer 1024.1 mb
Average windspeed 0.3 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.7 m/s
Average direction 133 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 18.0 mm
Rainfall for year 42.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 21 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 23.0C on day 21 at time 15:36
Minimum temperature -6.7C on day 21 at time 05:50
Maximum humidity 91% on day 21 at time 05:57
Minimum humidity 13% on day 21 at time 15:39
Maximum pressure 1028.1 mb on day 21 at time 00:42
Minimum pressure 1019.7 mb on day 21 at time 23:47
Maximum windspeed 2.1 m/s on day 21 at time 13:29
Maximum gust speed 3.6 m/s from 290(WNW) on day 21 at time 10:39
Maximum heat index 23.6C on day 21 at time 15:35

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Mar 22 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 12.1C
Average humidity 53%
Average dewpoint 1.4C
Average barometer 1017.4 mb
Average windspeed 0.6 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.3 m/s
Average direction 146 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 18.0 mm
Rainfall for year 42.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 22 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 21.0C on day 22 at time 15:05
Minimum temperature 0.5C on day 22 at time 01:32
Maximum humidity 86% on day 22 at time 06:15
Minimum humidity 27% on day 22 at time 11:52
Maximum pressure 1020.3 mb on day 22 at time 00:57
Minimum pressure 1014.6 mb on day 22 at time 17:26
Maximum windspeed 4.1 m/s on day 22 at time 15:17
Maximum gust speed 5.7 m/s from 108(ESE) on day 22 at time 16:05
Maximum heat index 24.6C on day 22 at time 14:39

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Mar 23 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 13.6C
Average humidity 60%
Average dewpoint 5.9C
Average barometer 1015.4 mb
Average windspeed 0.8 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.7 m/s
Average direction 153 (SSE)
Rainfall for month 18.0 mm
Rainfall for year 42.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 23 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 18.1C on day 23 at time 13:55
Minimum temperature 7.8C on day 23 at time 02:26
Maximum humidity 81% on day 23 at time 02:25
Minimum humidity 45% on day 23 at time 11:13
Maximum pressure 1016.6 mb on day 23 at time 00:07
Minimum pressure 1014.2 mb on day 23 at time 16:11
Maximum windspeed 4.1 m/s on day 23 at time 18:43
Maximum gust speed 8.2 m/s from 139( SE) on day 23 at time 18:43
Maximum heat index 18.1C on day 23 at time 13:55

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Mar 24 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 16.0C
Average humidity 64%
Average dewpoint 9.0C
Average barometer 1015.4 mb
Average windspeed 0.7 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.6 m/s
Average direction 156 (SSE)
Rainfall for month 18.0 mm
Rainfall for year 42.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 24 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 20.9C on day 24 at time 13:40
Minimum temperature 12.3C on day 24 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity 88% on day 24 at time 23:59
Minimum humidity 52% on day 24 at time 15:38
Maximum pressure 1017.9 mb on day 24 at time 23:33
Minimum pressure 1013.7 mb on day 24 at time 14:34
Maximum windspeed 4.1 m/s on day 24 at time 13:35
Maximum gust speed 6.7 m/s from 157(SSE) on day 24 at time 10:26
Maximum heat index 25.1C on day 24 at time 15:45

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Mar 25 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 12.5C
Average humidity 85%
Average dewpoint 9.9C
Average barometer 1017.0 mb
Average windspeed 0.3 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.6 m/s
Average direction 123 (ESE)
Rainfall for month 18.0 mm
Rainfall for year 42.9 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.0 mm on day 25 at time 23:59
Maximum temperature 18.0C on day 25 at time 13:29
Minimum temperature 7.2C on day 25 at time 23:59
Maximum humidity 94% on day 25 at time 05:11
Minimum humidity 67% on day 25 at time 13:17
Maximum pressure 1018.2 mb on day 25 at time 09:25
Minimum pressure 1015.9 mb on day 25 at time 04:41
Maximum windspeed 2.6 m/s on day 25 at time 12:00
Maximum gust speed 4.1 m/s from 040( NE) on day 25 at time 12:01
Maximum heat index 18.0C on day 25 at time 13:29

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Mar 26 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 10.4C
Average humidity 96%
Average dewpoint 9.8C
Average barometer 1013.6 mb
Average windspeed 0.1 m/s
Average gustspeed 0.2 m/s
Average direction 141 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 27.4 mm
Rainfall for year 52.3 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on day 26 at time 19:56
Maximum temperature 13.7C on day 26 at time 15:37
Minimum temperature 6.1C on day 26 at time 01:45
Maximum humidity 99% on day 26 at time 23:59
Minimum humidity 92% on day 26 at time 19:08
Maximum pressure 1016.9 mb on day 26 at time 00:47
Minimum pressure 1010.5 mb on day 26 at time 23:28
Maximum windspeed 1.5 m/s on day 26 at time 17:00
Maximum gust speed 2.1 m/s from 124( SE) on day 26 at time 17:09
Maximum heat index 13.7C on day 26 at time 15:37

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Mar 27 Average and Extremes
Average temperature 12.3C
Average humidity 88%
Average dewpoint 10.2C
Average barometer 1007.3 mb
Average windspeed 1.2 m/s
Average gustspeed 2.4 m/s
Average direction 133 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 29.7 mm
Rainfall for year 54.6 mm
Maximum rain per minute 0.3 mm on day 27 at time 23:08
Maximum temperature 15.6C on day 27 at time 12:25
Minimum temperature 8.2C on day 27 at time 00:29
Maximum humidity 99% on day 27 at time 06:12
Minimum humidity 73% on day 27 at time 14:29
Maximum pressure 1011.2 mb on day 27 at time 00:02
Minimum pressure 1004.1 mb on day 27 at time 16:36
Maximum windspeed 4.6 m/s on day 27 at time 23:41
Maximum gust speed 10.8 m/s from 151(SSE) on day 27 at time 16:25
Maximum heat index 15.6C on day 27 at time 12:25

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Average and Extremes for Month of March 2025 up to day 27
Average temperature 10.6C
Average humidity 70%
Average dewpoint 4.5C
Average barometer 1016.4 mb
Average windspeed 0.6 m/s
Average gustspeed 1.2 m/s
Average direction 138 ( SE)
Rainfall for month 34.5 mm
Rainfall for year 0.0 mm
Maximum rain per minute 4.3 mm on day 12 at time 00:01
Maximum temperature 29.3C on day 15 at time 13:40
Minimum temperature -7.6C on day 20 at time 05:48
Maximum humidity 99% on day 27 at time 06:12
Minimum humidity 13% on day 21 at time 15:39
Maximum pressure 1039.3 mb on day 11 at time 12:29
Minimum pressure 999.7 mb on day 13 at time 05:54
Maximum windspeed 4.6 m/s from 120(ESE) on day 27 at time 23:41
Maximum gust speed 10.8 m/s from 158(SSE) on day 27 at time 16:25
Maximum heat index 27.8C on day 15 at time 13:40
Growing degrees days70.8 GDD
Frost days5

Daily Rain Totals
04.3 mm on day 11
02.3 mm on day 12
00.8 mm on day 15
03.3 mm on day 16
07.1 mm on day 17
00.3 mm on day 19
09.4 mm on day 26
02.3 mm on day 27